The 2019 Break the Chains of Human Trafficking 5K run/walk is happening May 18 in Federal Way.
The Federal Way Coalition Against Trafficking and Seattle Against Slavery is hosting this event, the largest anti-human trafficking event in Washington state, according to a Break the Chains press release.
“The Federal Way Coalition Against Trafficking was founded to keep our community — and especially our children in our community — safe from the threat of human trafficking,” said Claudia Lawrence, community mobilization director for FWCAT.
“Recently, Federal Way Public Schools adopted the iEmpathize curriculum for grades 6-8 with portions of the curriculum being rolled out next year,” she said. “Relevant portions of the curriculum will be embedded in the health component of the physical education/health course. FWCAT is grateful for its partnership with the FWPS to keep our children safe from human trafficking in our community.”
Participants can join the event as a walker, runner, team captain or team member.
A new feature this year, individuals can also sign up to be a fundraising walker.
“If you decide to fundraise, we’ve made it super easy for you to collect pledges in support of your run/walk to end Human Trafficking,” the press release reads in part.
More information for the event and sign-ups can be found at BreaktheChainsofHuman Trafficking5K.