Boys and Girls Club hosts Breakfast for Kids on April 2

The Federal Way Boys and Girls Club, along with the Auburn Boys and Girls Club, will be hosting their annual Breakfast for Kids 2013.

The Federal Way Boys and Girls Club, along with the Auburn Boys and Girls Club, will be hosting their annual Breakfast for Kids 2013. The breakfast will be from 7:15 to 9 a.m. at Emerald Downs on April 2. The breakfast will be in the Rainier Terrace Room at the Auburn horse racing track and attendees are asked to make a donation.

All the proceeds from the breakfast go straight back to the Federal Way and Auburn Boys and Girls Club and the EX3 Ron Sandwith Teen Center in Fedreal Way.

For more information and registration, log onto and click the link on the right hand side of the page. If you have questions on attending, email Dolan Holt at or call the Federal Way Boys and Girls Club at (253) 681-6514.