Gamma Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Psi presents the annual Bowl-A-Strike Against Cancer on April 30 at Secoma Lanes, 34500 Pacific Highway S., Federal Way. Registration and lane assignment at 9:30 a.m. Bowling begins 10 a.m. Cost is $20 per player ($25 after April 20). Four players per team, but a full team is not required. No age limit. Door and cash prizes, 50/50 raffle. To learn more, contact Mary Sawyer at (253) 719-8326 or
Federal Way celebrates the Irish with annual flag raising
Another annual tradition that accompanies the flag raising is an award for community members who embody “the spirit of St. Patrick.”
Why the Green River Killer was in King County Jail in Sept.
According to documents, he was going to guide investigators to more unfound remains of his victims.
Rock thrown at windshield while driving | Federal Way police blotter
From the Federal Way police log.