What’s coming up in the area? | Community Calendar

Tom Papa will perform at the PAEC Saturday.

AARP Tax Help: The Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S., offers free individualized tax preparation assistance provided by trained AARP volunteers from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. every Friday through April 13, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. alternate Saturdays, Feb. 10 and 24, March 10 and 24 and April 7. No age or income limits, and electronic filing will be available.

Federal Way Senior Center Table: Volunteers from the Federal Way Senior Center will provide information about the center’s services and fun activities for seniors from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S.

Tom Papa: Tom Papa brings his comedy act to the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center, 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S., at 8 p.m. Feb. 17. Papa, who has more than 20 year’s experience as a stand-up comedian, is host of the hit podcast and SiriusXM show, “Come to Papa,” which explores the funny side of life, occasionally with guests like Mel Brooks, Ray Romano, Carl Reiner and Jerry Seinfeld. Tickets start at $25. Info: boxoffice@fwpaec.org, 253-835-7010 or fwpaec.org.

Telephone town hall: State Sen. Mark Miloscia, R-Federal Way, hosts a telephone town hall meeting at 6 p.m. Feb. 20. Residents in the 30th District are encouraged to ask questions during the hour-long meeting, but they can also submit them in advance by e-mailing Miloscia at mark.miloscia@leg.wa.gov. To take part in the meeting, call 877-229-8493 and enter PIN number 117158. Info: MarkMiloscia.src.wastateleg.org.

Cloud 9 Comedy Night: Robert Moore will perform at Cloud 9 Comedy Night at 9 p.m. Feb. 20 at Billy McHales, 1320 S. 324th St., Suite A10. The cost is $5. Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Moore began doing stand-up comedy in May 2013 after moving to Washington State. He won The Crowd’s Choice Comedy Competition in May 2016. Info: sean@cloudninecomedy.com, 360-618-3946 or facebook.com/comedycloud/.

Repair cafe: The South King Tool Library hosts a free repair cafe from 3-6 p.m. Feb. 21 at Thornton F. McElroy Lodge No. 302, 1700 S. 340th St. Bring us broken, cracked, non-functioning appliances, collectibles, family heirlooms, or every day items. Trained personnel will do their best to fix items or offer advice on how to make the repairs. Info: southkingtools.org/ or info@southkingtools.org.

Tree and shrub pruning workshop: PowellsWood Garden, 430 S. Dash Point Road, hosts a tree and shrub pruning workshop from 10-11:30 a.m. Feb. 24. Rich Hildner, who owns and operates Smith Berry Barn in Hillsboro, Oregon, will teach basic pruning techniques to keep small trees and shrubs looking healthy and great. Instruction will be followed by a hands on demonstration in the garden. Cost: $5 for guests; free for members. Register by Feb. 22. Info: 253-529-1620 or https://powellswoodfestival.ticketspice.com/powellswood-pruning-workshop-with-rich-hildner.

Slaying gerrymandering for good: The Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S., hosts a presentation on Slaying Gerrymandering for Good from 6:30-8 p.m. Feb. 26. Senior research associate Margaret Morales of Sightline Institute will help participants understand how better voting systems can do away with gerrymandering and change the face of democracy.

Flavor of New Orleans: The Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center, 1510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S., hosts the Flavor of New Orleans at 7:30 p.m. March 3. Enjoy an evening of jazz in the tradition of New Orleans. Showcasing the Federal Way Symphony Big Band with special guest pianist Matt Lemmler. Tickets: $10-$50. Info: patronservices@fwpaec.org, 253-835-7010 or federalwaysymphony.org/.

Congressman Adam Smith constituent services community outreach: U.S. Congressman Adam Smith’s office will host mobile office hours from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. March at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S.

Taichi Workshop: Integrative health coach Dr. Hansie Wong hosts a free Taichi workshop from 7-8:30 p.m. March 5 at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. This is an interactive workshop, so wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.


South King Council of the Blind: This group meets from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month in the back room of Denny’s, 2132 S. 320th St. They are a resource for people dealing with vision loss, their friends and families vision, or anyone interested in vision loss. For more information, contact Gaylen Floyd at 253-217-9586 or gaylenfloy@gmail.com or Marlaina Lieberg at 1guidedog@gmail.com. More information is also available at www.southkingcounciloftheblind.org.

Bingo: Social bingo for all ages is held from 12:30 to 2 p.m. on Mondays and from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Federal Way Senior Center, 4016 S. 352nd St. For more information, contact Char Ashcraft at shelleyp004@gmail.com or call 253-838-3604 or visit federalwayseniorcenter.org.

Talk Time Classes: Practice speaking English with other English language learners from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Wednesday at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. Learn about American culture and meet people from around the world. Classes are free and participants can join at any time. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-838-3668.

Seniors In Motion: Seniors in Motion is a senior exercise class at the Federal Way Senior Center, 4016 S. 352nd St. The class is held at 9:30 a.m. every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. The goal of the program is to focus on strengthening and conditioning the entire body. Participants will strengthen muscles, achieve better balance, improve overall body tone and enjoy a more positive self-image. For more information, contact Dorothy at 253-835-3529.

Book Donations: The friends at Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. are collecting used books, magazines and DVDs in new or like-new condition to support library programming. Donations are tax deductible. Ask library staff for details.

Federal Way Domestic Violence Task Force: Meets from 12 to 1:30 p.m. the fourth Friday of every month at City Hall in the Hylebos Room. The organization works towards ending domestic violence. For more information, contact Lana Mathew at 253-232-8096.

Cancer Patient and Caregiver Support Group: These professionally facilitated groups meet from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month at Virginia Mason Medical Center, 33501 First Way Way S. For more information, call Theresa Kelly at 206-709-1400 or email theresa@cancerpathways.org or visit cancerpathways.org.

Freedom From Tobacco Support Group: If you are thinking about quitting tobacco, trying to quit, or wanting help from a friend, the Freedom From Tobacco: Free Weekly Support Group is here. The group meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Thursday at St. Francis Hospital, in the oncology waiting area. For more information, call Heidi Henson at 253-426-6746.

One-on-One Resume Assistance: A king County Library Assistant can provide 45 minutes of one-on-one to help write or update your resume. Make sure to bring a list of previous employment (name of business, address, phone number and position) and a current resume if you have one. Typing services are not provided. Registration required. For days and times, call 253-839-0257.

One-on-One Computer Help: Library volunteers provide assistance with basic level computer and software questions at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For dates and times, please call the library at 253-838-3668 or 253-839-0257.

English as a Second Language: Classes to learn English grammar, reading, writing and conversation skills with an experienced instructor will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. every Tuesday at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, call Linda Faaren at 206-592-3670.

Legal Clinic: The King County Bar Association provides free 30-minute consultations with volunteer attorneys regarding civil legal issues from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. Attorneys cannot represent clients but can refer to other assistance. This event is available by appointment only. Please call 206-267-7070 between 9 a.m. and noon, Tuesday through Thursday.

Spanish Story Time: A family program where all ages are welcome. Games, songs and crafts for children in the Spanish language are included. This event is from 7 to 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday until the end of August at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, visit kcls.org or call 253-839-0257.

Citizenship Class: Learn how to become a United States Citizen from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Monday at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. Study for the interview and exam, and practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking English in a friendly environment. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-838-3668.

Family Story Time: A family program for all ages with an adult from 7 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-838-3668.

Toddler Story Time: A family program for ages 2 to 3 years with an adult, from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-839-0257 or 253-838-3668.

Preschool Story Time: A family program for ages 3 to 6 with an adult from 11 to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-838-3668.

Young Toddler Story Time: A family program for ages 12 to 24 months with an adult from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. on Thursdays at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-838-3668.

Infant Story Time: A family program for newborns to 12 months with an adult from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. on Fridays at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-838-3668.

Study Zone: Drop-in during scheduled hours for free homework help from volunteer tutors at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. For more information, visit www.kcls.org or call 253-838-3668.

Game On: For middle school, junior high and high school students. Come play gamecube, xbox and wii video games at the Federal Way Library, 34200 First Way S. in the meeting room. Snacks and drinks are provided. This takes place every from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 17, Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 and Dec. 21.

Rotary Club of Federal Way: The Rotary Club of Federal Way holds meetings at 7:30 a.m. every Tuesday, and at 12:15 p.m. every Thursday at the Courtyard Marriott, 31910 Gateway Center Blvd S. For more information or to inquire about a membership, contact President Layne Barndt a layne@nasvc.com or visit federalwayrotary.org.

Veterans of Foreign Wars: VFW Post 2886 meets at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Federal Way Library on 320th Street. For more information, contact Tom Leonard at thomasc29@msn.com or call 253-927-1615.

Morning Kiwanis Club: The Kiwanis Club of Greater Federal Way meeets at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesdays at Denny’s, 2132 S. 320th St. The first Tuesday of the month is an evening meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. Each person pays for his or her own meal. Info: info@greaterfederalwaykiwanis.org or greaterfederalwaykiwanis.org.

Lions Club: The Federal Way Lions Club meets at noon the first and third Tuesday of each month at Denny’s restaurant on 320th. Contact Bob Darrigan at 253-874-4282.

Noon Kiwanis Club: The Kiwanis Club of Federal Way meets from noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays, with lunch service beginning at 11:30 a.m., at the Twins Lakes Golf and Country Club, 3583 SW 320th St. Dinner meetings are from 6:30 -7:30 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at Denny’s on 320th, with dinner service starting at 6 p.m. Info: kiwanisclubfederalway@gmail.com or federalwaykiwanis.com.

Twin Lakes Toastmasters Club: The club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at Brookdale Foundation House, 32290 First Ave. S. No membership is required, the club is open to all interested parties. For more information, visit www.toastmasters.org or contact Don Everly Smith at Twinlakestoastmasters@gmail.com or call 425-241-4888.

WakeUp4Wealth: This business communications club meets from 7 to 8:15 a.m. on Fridays in the second floor training room of Keller Williams Realty, 33434 8th Ave. S. No membership required, the club is open to all interested parties. For more information, visit www.toastmasters.org or contact Don Everly Smith at Twinlakestoastmasters@gmail.com or call 425-241-4888.

The St. Francis Hospital Auxiliary: Group meets at 6:30 p.m. with meetings beginning at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month in the Medical Office Building, located next to St. Francis Hospital. For more information, call Andrea at 253-944-7960.

Crazy Quilters of Federal Way: This group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday of every month at Avalon Care Center, 135 S. 336th Street. The Tuesday meeting is to discuss their program, and the one held on Thursday is to discuss business. For more information, call 253-927-1260.


Historical Society of Federal Way: Volunteer opportunities include collections care, greeting the public at public events, docents for historic Denny and Barker cabins, computer work, building maintenance and phone calling. For more information, contact Diana Noble-Gulliford at diana@gulliford.com or call 206-412-5545.

Federal Way Coalition Against Trafficking Opportunities: Local non-profit is seeking volunteers for various positions including website manager, funding coordinator, event coordinator, and graphic design coordinator. Email info@fwcat.org for more information.

Volunteer Chore Service: the Catholic Community Service Program is committed to providing in-home chore assistance to elders and adults with disabilities, helping them to remain in their own home for as long an as safe as possible. Volunteers provide assistance with the following tasks: transportation, shopping, housework, laundry, minor home repairs, communications and yard work. To learn more about this rewarding opportunity, contact Tiffany Perri at TiffanyP@ccsww.org or 253-850-2525.

Drivers Needed: Volunteer drivers are needed to transport elderly residents in King County. Contact 206-326-2800 or resource.I@ghc.org.