Village Green celebrates National Night Out

Village Green hosted a National Night Out event Aug. 6 for all to attend to enjoy some food, games, nonpermanent tattoos, and interactions with police officers.

“We wanted the people to be the focus. We actually have a lot of events here where music is the focus, but we wanted people to mingle, converse, and ask questions with the law enforcement that’s visiting,” said Esther Haven, Village Green executive director.

Haven said they make sure no one ever goes hungry, and they ensured that to be the case with a BBQ for attendees to enjoy. For entertainment, they had cornhole, giant Jenga, and nonpermanent tattoos and stickers, which celebrated law enforcement.

Haven said she considered the event a success, with people dancing, smiling, and going back to get seconds. She said they paused the event during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the National Night Out Village Green celebration is an event they host every year.

“We support our local law enforcement, and we’re proud to host this event. We’re really happy with the outcome and how many people showed up,” Haven said.

One of the sponsors of Village Green’s event was Global Credit Union. Kimi Dowell said they had a booth to help attendees if they needed insurance or if they needed help to enrich their financial journey. She said their support of Village Green is part of them helping people and giving back to the community.

“It’s our pleasure to be able to come and partner and also be a part of this journey with Village Green,” Dowell said.

Seniors eating and conversating during Village Green’s National Night Out celebration Aug. 6. Photos by Joshua Solorzano/The Mirror

Seniors eating and conversating during Village Green’s National Night Out celebration Aug. 6. Photos by Joshua Solorzano/The Mirror

A table where seniors could get some BBQ during Village Green’s National Night Out celebration Aug. 6.

A table where seniors could get some BBQ during Village Green’s National Night Out celebration Aug. 6.