Garden Tour mixes music and nature

The Federal Way Symphony will hold its 9th annual Garden Tour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 19.

The Federal Way Symphony will hold its 9th annual Garden Tour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 19.

The tour features six private gardens in the Federal Way area along with five artisans. Three of the gardens will feature young musicians, including a guitarist, violinists and harpists.

“To me, gardening is like music. Every plant is different, just like every symphony is different,” said Janice Burgess, co-chairwoman of the tour, who also plays the harp. “The two just go together.”

Among the highlights of the tour is The Spader Garden. Tour organizers approached the owner about joining the Garden Tour after hearing about the pink potatoes from his massive vegetable collection, said Burgess, who added: “He has enough food there to feed his family forever.”

The Konkell Garden, whose owners once ran a local nursery, is adorned with vibrant color, a basalt column fountain and large model trains. “I paint with flowers,” said Fred Konkell in the tour’s pamphlet.

Garden Tour attendees can also check out presentations by curator David DeGroot of Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection, floral designer Bob Pogue and master gardener Louise Talley.

“We’re really proud of our tour,” Burgess said. “We have a fantastic symphony. This is one way of letting our community know.”

A raffle and signed books by gardening authors will also be available. All proceeds go toward Federal Way Symphony programs.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased by calling the Federal Way Symphony office at (253) 529-9857. Cost includes a box lunch. from Metropolitan Market. To learn more about the gardens and locations, visit