FUSION summer art event Moroccan Mystique set for Aug. 6

Preparations are underway for FUSION’s summer art event Moroccan Mystique, which will be held from 3-9 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6.

Preparations are underway for FUSION’s summer art event Moroccan Mystique, which will be held from 3-9 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6.

This year’s theme is Moroccan Mystique, promising a fun and lively evening at the Federal Way Dumas Bay Centre. Experience the colorful festivities while you enjoy the artist marketplace, belly dancing entertainment, silent and live auctions and dinner from The Mediterranean Gyro Grill.

Tickets are $65 per person or $75 after July 30 and may be purchased online at www.fusionfederalway.org.

This event is FUSION’s (Friends United to Shelter the Indigent, Oppressed and Needy) major fundraiser. Proceeds will help provide housing and support services to homeless families in the community.

FUSION is a local, all volunteer, non-profit organization.

“This year we are featuring an artist marketplace in a Moroccan bazaar style with an eclectic mix of local artisans selling a wide variety of art,” said artist Lorna Chirila.

Artists Myla and Eugene Montgomery’s have participated in five FUSION art events and have done so because they admire the mission of FUSION, feel it is a way of giving back to the community and find it is good exposure for their art, while enjoying the beautiful setting and fun of the FUSION Event.

For information, visit www.fusionfederalway.org.