Federal Way Rocks is inviting all to participate in the new artistic expression of rock painting.
This event will be held from 12 to 4 p.m. Sept. 9 at the West Hylebos Wetlands Park cabins, 411 S. 348th St.
Federal Way Rocks members will introduce the community to a growing activity: painting, hiding and hunting rocks. Federal Way’s club has close to 1,400 members and is growing at a rapid pace.
They are Federal Way’s official community rock group and will be sharing their knowledge and providing demonstrations. Materials and supplies will be available for those who attend.
The Crazy Quilters of Federal Way will also be in attendance, showcasing their quilting samples and discussing their efforts at preserving their art.
The cabins are maintained by the Historical Society of Federal Way. Donations are appreciated. Visit www.federalwayhistory.org for further information.