Federal Way raises the Purple Heart flag

Mayor Jim Ferrell, alongside Vietnam War veteran Roger Flygare, did the honors.

After becoming a Purple Heart City in 2020, Federal Way raised the Purple Heart flag for the first time on Purple Heart Day on Aug. 7, 2024.

According to the U.S. Army, Purple Heart Day honors the men and women who were either wounded on the battlefield or lost their lives while serving in the U.S. military. Federal Way resident Roger Flygare — a Vietnam veteran, a sergeant in the military, and a Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander — was with Mayor Jim Ferrell raising the flag on Wednesday. Flygare said they raised the flag to honor those who were wounded, but he took the time to advocate for peace instead of fighting.

“It’s something that honors people who were wounded or killed in a war zone, and we’ve seen enough of that. I’d like to see it take a different path in this country,” Flygare said. “We need to be more peaceful, more energetic, and helping countries rise above fistfights and guns and stuff like that. We can do that. This country’s always been good at that. We need to emphasize a better way to go.”

Mayor Ferrell believes this is the first time Federal Way has raised the Purple Heart flag, but he’s discussed this with Flygare for quite some time. He added that what sparked the flag-raising ceremony was that a citizen came forward and asked to make it happen. Ferrell said the flag raising is Federal Way’s opportunity to say thank you to the people who have been injured or killed in battle.

“This nation owes a great debt of gratitude for those individuals who, as Lincoln said, gave the last full measure of devotion. And so this is our simple way of saying thank you,” Ferrell said. Flygare added that the flag raising is the beginning of remembering.

Ferrell said the city did a veterans monument by the new Performing Arts and Event Center. Now, moving forward, the city is looking to create a Gold Star Families recognition — these are families with family members who have died in combat — and a Purple Heart recognition. Additionally, he said the city puts up each branch’s flags for their respective anniversaries.

The flag would only be raised for the day, Ferrell said.