Federal Way leaders make resolutions for 2018

The Mirror reached out to local community leaders to see how they plan to better themselves and their community in the new year. Some of the resolutions were personal, such as implementing healthy habits into their lifestyles or spending more time with family, while others were professional.

Dr. Tammy Campbell, Federal Way Public Schools superintendent

Tammy Campbell

Tammy Campbell

“Although I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, I would simply say I commit to being a better me this year than I was last year — giving of myself to my community and the school district so that our students achieve their goals and ultimately their dreams.”

Andy Hwang, Federal Way police chief

Andy Hwang

Andy Hwang

“I am most excited about being part of the city of Federal Way team. In the upcoming year, I want to be more engaged with other stakeholders within the city to make Federal Way a stronger city. I want to do my best to model the right behavior and to serve as a servant leader, acknowledging that nothing great gets accomplished without the outstanding work of others. Mayor (Jim) Ferrell and I have made an agreement to work out together more often with a goal of getting fit and staying healthy. I am committed to keeping my part of the bargain and hope that Mayor Ferrell is “really” up to the challenge this time. I will travel more, spend more time with the family, take more pictures, email my wife less often, volunteer more at my church and raise more money for the Federal Way Cares for Kids and the Multi-Service Center.”

Jesse Johnson, Federal Way city councilman-elect

Jesse Johnson

Jesse Johnson

“My New Year’s resolutions include: prioritizing leisurely reading in my self-care routine and [watching] less television, saving money for my wedding and walking the dog more.”

Mayor Jim Ferrell

Jim Ferrell

Jim Ferrell

“1. Adding police officers to our hard-working and effective police department and filling those positions already approved by the council and through our federal COPS grant award, and working to reduce crime even more in our great city;

2. Participating in the groundbreakings for the beautiful new downtown staircase, the new downtown hotel and the new DaVita facility, which will provide over 1,000 good-paying jobs to Federal Way;

3. Selling the Town Center III property to an interested developer;

4. Making sure we start holding college classes in our city through the university initiative, a unique partnership with UW-Tacoma, Highline College, Federal Way Public Schools and the city of Federal Way;

5. Working cooperatively with all seven members of the City Council, including our newest members Jesse Johnson and Hoang Tran;

6. Getting back to the svelte figure I used to have through diet and exercise – OK, OK, so I was never svelte – I was a football player, but you get my point!; and, wait for it …

7. Doing my best to stay out of Bob Roegner’s columns!”

Becca Martin, Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce CEO

Becca Martin

Becca Martin

“The problem with resolutions for the new year is they tend to focus on flaws in need of moderation. However, I believe any new beginning requires only a determination to move forward from where you are … flaws and all. Resolving to be brave and look ahead does not require perfection; it requires vision.

In 2018, the chamber is resolved to be both bold and resilient as we ask questions, looking for answers that will lead us all to a strong, shared future.

• What resources can we align to attract the next generation of workforce?

• What are the long-range challenges in transportation for movement of people and goods?

• How can we be more intentional about building networked leadership across a broader group of leaders in allied entities?

Business leaders at the chamber are resolved to address these and other issues with our community partners as we work together for economic prosperity. It’s going to be a great year!”

Hoang Tran, Federal Way city councilman-elect

Hoang Tran

Hoang Tran

“Personal: Spend more time with my family visiting other countries to learn more about other cultures and teach my children the importance of embracing diversity.

Professional: Visit at least 12 charitable organizations in 2018 and learn what is vital for their success.”

Capt. Jeff Bellinghausen, South King Fire & Rescue

Jeff Bellinghausen

Jeff Bellinghausen

“My personal goals include the usual work out more and eat better, as well as enjoy my time off work more. Professionally, I look forward to providing expanded service to the community through establishing a certified car seat-safety checking program and adding a social worker to our staff to better serve those who call 911 with needs that are out of our normal area of expertise.”