Are you spending enough time with your family? | Pastor Chuck

On a recent trip to Peru, I was reminded of several significant events from my distant childhood.

While meeting with some new friends high in the Andes Mountains, I was mesmerized by the beauty and clarity of the countless stars overhead. This made me think of the many times as a young boy I had visited my grandparents’ farm way out in the country. I can still remember once thinking that the brilliant star that was streaking across the sky had actually fallen right behind the old farmhouse — and how disappointed I was in not finding it there.

I remembered how sometimes the sky was so clear, that while laying down in the cool summer grass, it seemed like I could almost reach up and touch the twinkling stars and the misty clouds of the Milky Way. During those special times with family and friends, we would spend hours talking, laughing and thoroughly enjoying our time together. Life sure seemed a lot less complicated or busy in those days.

While talking and visiting with new friends and traveling companions, so far away from the demands and busyness of everyday life, I was once again reminded of how important friends and family are. Today as a husband and father, there is nothing more important to me than the well being of my family.

The challenge I have, along with many others, is that I sometimes confuse providing for them, with loving and caring for them. As a busy pastor of a Federal Way church, I can easily convince myself that the hours of preparation for Sunday’s sermon, the counseling sessions and administration required for keeping a church running smoothly are good excuses for not spending the time I should with my wife and children.

How about you? Are you spending the time necessary for building strong and healthy relationships with your family and friends? The love and memories created by making this a priority will be something that you will cherish and treasure for a lifetime.

“The Heavens declare the glory of the Lord; the skies display his marvelous craftsmanship.” — Psalm 19:1

“Love one another, by this all men will know that you are my disciples.” — John 13:35