From staff reports:
Federal Way police are offering residents tips for keeping their home safe while they’re away on vacation this summer. Before leaving one’s home for a prolonged period, run through this checklist.
- Inform a neighbor: Tell a trusted neighbor when you will be gone, where you are going and how you can be reached in case of an emergency at your home.
- Cancel deliveries: A buildup of mail and newspapers will alert a burglar that you are not home. Stop delivery while you are away or have a trusted neighbor collect it for you daily.
- Lighting: It is wise to put both indoor and outdoor lights on a timer. It is recommended to have timers on lights in at least two different rooms within the house.
- Drapes and blinds: The department recommends leaving upstairs drapes open and ground level drapes or blinds closed.
- Secure doors/windows and set alarm system: Often when in a rush, people forget to ensure their home is secure. Over half of all break-ins are actually unlawful entries into unsecured homes.
- Secure valuables: Secure all valuables and important papers in a safe deposit box or a non-portable safe.
- Hire a house sitter: See if a trusted neighbor or friend will house-sit while you are away.
Photo credit: Mr. T in DC’s Flickr page.