Zero tolerance for behavior of judges

Get serious, all you city, county and state government bodies.

Pass a “zero tolerance policy” against any unacceptable behavior on the part of employees, especially those that should be setting good examples for the rest of us. And forget “paid administrative leave.” No pay until situation cleared up.

DUI: Fired. Embezzlement: Fired.

“Judge Judy” (King County Judge Judith Eiler) should be removed from the bench for her second episode of rudeness, especially after completing sensitivity training for the first reprimand. I bet taxpayers paid for her attendance. Maybe the instructor should be penalized. If a school board can impose a “zero tolerance” policy on grade-schoolers’ behavior, the Commission on Judicial Conduct should be able to impose one on the more “mature” and better educated legal professionals.

Taxpayers deserve better for their money.

Terry Slaton, Federal Way