Your Turn: Sorority battles cancer and enriches the Federal Way community

By CHARLENE M. SWANSON, Federal Way chapter of Phi Beta Psi

By CHARLENE M. SWANSON, Federal Way chapter of Phi Beta Psi

Gamma Delta of Federal Way is your local Northwest chapter of Phi Beta Psi.

Phi Beta Psi is a national non-academic sorority that was founded over 100 years ago by six young high school students. These founding ladies could not have foreseen the profound and sustaining effect that this charitable organization is known for today. The focus of this sorority has been solely on cancer research for some time now, although originally other noteworthy causes were helped along the way. One of these earlier projects consisted of purchasing an iron lung.

Gamma Delta of Federal Way is nationally recognized as having the largest membership of any Phi Beta Psi chapter. Various year-round activities, fundraisers and events are hosted by Gamma Delta. Some of our local activities include the Pink Ribbon Bazaar, Five Star Swap Meet, Silent Auction and the Louise Thomas Memorial Golf Tournament. Gamma Delta also recycles cans for cancer and provides assistance to several Federal Way charities.

Gamma Delta would like to thank our Federal Way community for its support, which has been a key factor to our success. The proceeds from the events we sponsor are split between local charities and our national project, which issues yearly grants to fund various studies for cancer research. The donated funds from all chapters combined last year to fund six grant recipients, which shared the $349,800 collectively raised. Our own local Fred Hutchinson has been both a past and present recipient of several national project grants.

Although Gamma Delta is proud to boast such a large membership, we want to welcome women of all ages interested in joining our dedicated and fun loving chapter. Volunteering for the various activities is solely up to your individual schedule and time constraints. Perhaps you have a group of friends and are interested in forming your own new chapter of Phi Beta Psi.

Please contact us if you would like to visit a Gamma Delta chapter meeting here in Federal Way. Gamma Beta is a sister chapter located in Bellevue, which is also eager to gain new members. Feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail if you would like additional information about Gamma Delta, Gamma Beta or Phi Beta Psi.

To learn more, call Charlene Swanson at (253) 952-2352 or e-mail Also visit