This letter is in response to Amy Johnson’s article on March 5 titled, “It’s time to rally around women.”
She is right to call attention to the abhorrent treatment of women in any culture, particularly those that see women as mere property; where women are blamed and even killed, for the sake of family honor, for having been raped. So thank you, Amy, for pointing these things out.
But then Amy turns to female repression in Federal Way, and she is unable to do more than hint at who is at fault. It seems the problem lies with those who believe that domestic violence and sexual assault exist “because it is human nature, the world is evil, and of course, Eve brought a curse on all women.”
I think I recognize the culprit. It is anyone backward enough to believe what the Bible says about the fallen nature of man. She goes on to present a few statistics to build her case that women in Federal Way are repressed: One in four teens has a sexually transmitted infection and the “Federal Way School District ranks fifth out of 20 districts for teen pregnancies.” Her solution? “Comprehensive sexuality education” and “enough information for our children to make informed decisions and choices” (euphemism alert: choice = abortion).
Oh, and of course it is imperative that we (the school district? government?) make condoms readily available to children.
Amy’s contention is that sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancies will be reduced once we are finally able to recognize that the human race is wonderful and without sin. We will then be free to give children detailed “comprehensive sexuality education” in the comforting belief that armed with this information we can “trust them” to make good decisions. Our trust will be confirmed to these children by the handing out of condoms and the ready availability of “choice” mills (see previous euphemism alert).
I don’t know about Amy, but most people who insist we should trust the decisions of children will in the same breath declare that adolescent girls should have unrestricted access to abortion, without parental notification. Apparently you can’t trust adults to make good decisions. I wonder at what age a person goes from trustworthy to untrustworthy — 18?
The human race actually is fallen. Amy unwittingly provided the evidence in her opening salvo bemoaning rampant abuse in many Third World countries. This fallen nature is further revealed by ubiquitous pornography, fornication, adultery, sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancies. The world is ablaze with unchecked hormones, and all Amy has to offer is more fuel for the fire. For crying out loud, they’re going to do it anyway, so let’s get a match and get the party started!
What I’d like to know is why women settle for anything less than what God wants for them. Love, honor, tenderness, romance and commitment from a man who cherishes her for her companionship, her partnership, and yes, her sexuality. Someone needs to tell young ladies that many young men play at love because they want sex, and many young women play at sex because they want love. They are being played as fools.
The real problem here isn’t a shortage of condoms or a lack of sexual information. The problem has to do with immorality. Fathers are not teaching their sons that women are to be loved and treasured, that they are made in the image of God, and that it is shameful to view them lustily as objects. Fathers and mothers are not teaching their daughters to beware of flighty young men who are short on moral character. They are not protecting their children from tempting situations, although they are commanded by God to do so. They are abrogating their responsibility because they have been fooled into believing that all of that will be handled by the school district. Don’t worry folks, just drop your kids off here with us and we’ll do all the raising. Oh, and tell the little dears to leave their Bibles at home — we can’t have God interfering in the process.
The problem is you can’t outsource fatherhood. It is a full-time job and the highest calling of your life. Shame on fathers who think their work was finished nine months before junior was born. It has only just begun. Furthermore, you can’t even hand it off to Sunday School. God says it’s your responsibility.
Finally, our hearts, time and resources should go out to women who have been used by men and then left to raise the children. Inasmuch as it is possible, such men need to be made at least financially supportive. But the Bible says that true religion lies in taking care of widows and orphans, and in every way that’s what these abandoned women and children are.
The Bible’s teaching on the fall of man is not the root cause behind the repression of women. It is the diagnosis of the root cause. And it provides the prescription: biblical morality. In addition, our children don’t need more sexual information. The culture is drenched in sexuality. What they need is parental attention, instruction, discipline and protection, with a healthy dose of love.
Leif Matson, Federal Way