Who do you blame for high gas prices? | Letters

Are you happy paying $4 per gallon of gasoline? I am not. In fact, I am mad. But who should I be mad at?

Are you happy paying $4 per gallon of gasoline? I am not. In fact, I am mad. But who should I be mad at?

I have been told that it is “speculators” who are driving up the price of gasoline. Well, it is not easy being mad at speculators. I would rather be mad at some person(s) that I can recognize by name.

How about Iran? Their dictator seems bent on cutting off our supply of oil. And when the supply of oil goes down, the price goes up. How about that?

To bring down the price of fuel, all we need do is increase the supply. And how do we do that? I have heard that within the borders of our country, we have the largest supply of oil and natural gas in the world. We have enough to supply all our needs for the next 200 years.

So what’s the problem? The answer is simple. The current administration will not permit additional drilling in Alaska; will not permit off-shore drilling; will not permit drilling in the Gulf of Mexico; will not permit drilling on federal lands.

Natural gas is a much cleaner fuel than gasoline and it is in huge supply in this country, but our administration will not promote conversion for its use in place of gasoline.

Our present administration seems determined to solve our energy problems with alternative fuels such as wind or solar power. That may very well be true, but for the foreseeable future, none of these fuels has the ability to lift a 747 into the air or power a large cargo truck down the freeway.

We have the means to solve our fuel supply problems, but do we have the will?

Leo J. Thoennes, Federal Way