On Saturday, Feb. 18, many Washington State House and Senate Representatives held district town hall meetings across the state. The only 30th District legislator to hold one this year was Rep. Katrina Asay (R-Milton). Absent were Sen. Tracey Eide (D) and Rep. Mark Miloscia (D).
Asay held town halls at Federal Way City Hall and in Pacific later in the day. While we understand that Miloscia is giving up his seat this year to run for Washington State Auditor, doesn’t Miloscia still represent our district and the concerns of the citizens of the district until next January?
These town halls are to give the constituents of the district an opportunity to meet their elected state officials in person and to have an opportunity to address citizens’ issues and concerns. This is an event that is held on a specific day each year, so there was plenty of time for Miloscia and Eide to assure that they had no scheduling conflict. Not holding one of these events is, in a sense, disenfranchising the citizens from the process.
As for Eide, she is not up for re-election until 2014. Still, like Miloscia, this is not an excuse for being absent. Looking back on history, this is not the first time that both of these representatives have been absent with regards to this annual event.
Sen. Eide and Rep. Miloscia, what was more pressing that day that you put aside your legislative duties? We see this the same as skipping a day of work with pay.
Randall Smith, Occupy Federal Way