The sexy way to tax Americans | Letter to the editor

“Cap and trade.” What’s that? It doesn’t sound very sexy, does it? Try this: “The American Clean Energy and Security Act.” This sounds much better. Right? We are all in favor of clean energy and good security.

But don’t be fooled. These are both the same act. It now has a fancy new name. This act was passed by the House of Representatives last week and is about to be debated in the Senate.

This act is not about clean air and good security. Instead, it will be the largest increase in taxes in the history of this country. It will devastate our economy, increase unemployment and it will take us a huge step towards socialism. Is that what we want?

I might add that during the campaign, President Barack Obama promised that he would never raise taxes on 95 percent of the population. If this act passes, he will be raising taxes on exactly that 95 percent of the population.

Leo J. Thoennes, Federal Way