The annual World Championship Sand Sculpting Competition has come and gone from Federal Way. And, as advertised, we were wowed — wowed not only by the art but, once again, by the response of our dedicated volunteer community, without whom this event would not have been possible.
Volunteering for this event would not have happened without the help of Jennifer Teeler from the City of Federal Way and the many hours of planning by Rudi Alcott, Renae McGregor, John Hatcher, David Sobvie, Mark Kane, Carla Conrad, Tom Cobb, LeAnn Taylor as well as many people from the Noon Rotary, the Sunrise Rotary, the morning Kiwanis and Centerstage Theatre. There was a core group of special volunteers that participated in rain or more rain, many every day: DJ Evans, Susan Weldon, Jeff Zimmerman, Mercedes Rippel, Jennifer Crawford, Jennifer Barnett, Ariana Steele, Heidi Clark, Mary McGoran, Lori Argyle, Morgan Griffith and Cindy Grady. Thank you for volunteering your time and talents.
Cindy Ducich, volunteer coordinator, World Championship of Sand Sculpting