Thank you, Adelaide Elementary | Federal Way letters

With the end of the school year having arrived and in support for our increasingly struggling schools, I want to say how much I appreciate my children’s school here in Federal Way.

My daughter has been going to Adelaide Elementary for four years, my son entered kindergarten this year and I have felt truly blessed to have my children at this school. Their teachers, administrative staff, PTA, coaches and principal have always been wonderful to work with and offer so much to parents and students alike. The academic emphasis, daily practice of teaching children respect for themselves and others, as well as pride in accomplishment has been cultivated at Adelaide consistently each year. There have been numerous wonderful events offered to students and parents, from concerts and fundraisers to school spirit nights and sports.

Though our principal Mr. Smith is going to another school next year, I can hope that our new principal will lead with the commitment, enthusiasm and care for the excellence of our students and school that he has.

In applauding Adelaide Elementary, I have to include a shout out to Grace Church which has contributed with Adelaide to so many of the wonderful events. They deserve a big “thank you” for the resources and volunteers that have been offered on our behalf. As an attendee of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, I know they partner with Mirror Lake Elementary in similar collaborations. It is truly partnerships like these that help foster “community” in our school community.

So to all of you at Adelaide Elementary and Grace Church, a big “thank you” for all you have done for us here in the school community. Enjoy your summer and I’ll look forward with hope to continuing on in success and excellence at Adelaide next year.

Nadia Moore, Federal Way