Term limits and more for council | Federal Way letters

I would like to bring term limits to the attention of the Federal Way citizens. That is term limits for city council members. Why do I say term limits? Well just a few things come to mind:

Forty-five story “Twin Towers” — how much did you or I or anyone but the council have a say?

One lone voice voted no.

Performing arts center, ever changing, adding catchphrases to justify something that is a luxury and not a necessity in this economy. Pushed through at the last minute.

Remember the council’s stance (no for the public voting for mayor)? Again one voice on the council was with the people getting the right to have a vote for this office.

Even the now elected mayor was against the people having a vote. Interesting? Ever ask yourself why? We need new people, fresh ideas. Also, people that stay awake. I have noticed myself that at least two council members nod off.

Puyallup just passed an ordinance for term limits for its city council. It took effect in February.

Our council can do the same. It would take only four members to do this.

Please let the council know how you stand on this issue. Seven people and one mayor: Taxes they pay is a drop in the bucket compared to 39,779 registered taxpaying people in this city. Let our voices be heard!

Norma Blanchard, Federal Way