What a great bill (House Bill 1176) State Rep. Dave Upthegrove from neighboring Legislative District 33 is sponsoring this year.
As a pet owner who suffered a tragic loss of my pet under very questionable circumstances involving veterinary care, I couldn’t be more thrilled that someone in our legislative branch finally was thoughtful enough to address the issue of Washington State Veterinary Board of Governors. This board has the sole authority for disciplining veterinarians practicing in our state for violations of professional conduct. One would imagine this board should be pet owner friendly. Unfortunately, it is far from it.
That is why when misfortune struck and my pet died, I didn’t even bother filing a complaint with this board because of its track record, which is shocking until you understand who this board is made up of — veterinarians. In other words, veterinarians disciplining veterinarians. The result: 97 percent of all public complaints submitted to this board were dismissed or closed.
This bill is all about reform, accountability and transparency. God knows, we need that in all areas of our government!
If we look in the WA State Legislative history, there hasn’t been hardly any laws passed that were companion animal friendly. I am going to support this bill and I am hoping to inspire pet owners, pet lovers and concerned citizens to do the same by contacting their district legislators and by urging them to support State Rep. Upthegrove’s Veterinary Board Reform Bill. Call your legislators now about House Bill 1176!
Jamie Hernandez
Federal Way