I have watched as state park lands are being sold to developers. As the lands shrink, I think the public should know.
I have a set of 1947 encyclopedias that state the acreage and year the park was founded. For the people, the loss to everyone is criminal, and more widespread than ever.
A park at Dumas Bay in South King County is my concern. It is great because it is one of the most important parks in our ecosystem, and houses are being built that will destroy the Puget Sound ecosystem. Saltwater State Park, Dumas Bay and Dash Point State Park have water bottling companies with pump houses on all the park creeks. I doubt they are pumping the water far. I have more facts, but have found no place to go with my concerns. I would like to get answers to my concerns. It’s not like I’m asking where the money from the sales of the land is going, anything top secret or a national security concern. Or is it? I’m hoping for the name of some civil group who still gives a darn.
Alicia Jackson, Federal Way