Shame on you for discrediting cop who saved my life | Letters

Shame, shame, shame on you for misusing your privilege as a journalist in order to discredit those who work hard every day to protect and save our lives.

This is in response to your article on Officer Ashley Crispin of the Federal Way Police Department.

I have read the documents available and note that you left out the fact that Megan Graham twice attempted to punch Officer Crispin, then was clawing the neck of the other officer involved (whom she outweighed by 105 pounds), when Officer Crispin, in order to save the other officer from her assault, punched her in the face. And how do we know the black eye was administered by Officer Crispin?

My concern in this matter is that I am the woman whose life Officer Crispin saved on April 14, 2013, after I was assaulted (not a robbery attempt) by a gangster wannabe in a parking lot. Your article infers that you don’t believe Officer Crispin saved my life. Well, he did.

This punk slashed my arm down to the bone, severing the muscles completely and cutting an artery. Officer Crispin took one look on his arrival at the scene, got a tourniquet and applied it effectively to my arm. The orthopedic surgeon who treated me at Harborview credits Officer Crispin with saving my life. The punk who assaulted me with his “neck knife” and then fled the scene claimed that I was beating him up. He even had his brother give him a black eye to back up his story. How do we know Megan Graham didn’t acquire her black eye the same way?

Yes, the man acted stupidly in pursuing relations with other women, but you conveniently ignored the fact that the woman responded in kind, then developed a conscience. Shades of Monica Lewinsky! You cite the number of phone calls from Officer Crispin to her, but ignore her calls to him. He did not “abuse his authority” by forcing himself on her and I know first-hand that he wears his wedding ring prominently, so she knew he was married when she responded to him.

Now we’re to believe that she sent him nude pictures of herself in an attempt to get him to stop? Calling Officer Crispin a pervert and a bully is like calling Bill Clinton a terrorist. But you’re not interested in publishing the entire story because then you could not enthrall your readers with yet another story of the misuse of authority by those “evil, perverted” police officers. Well, that “evil, perverted” police officer saved my life and I thank him, as do my family, friends and co-workers.

Shame, shame, shame on you for misusing your privilege as a journalist in order to discredit those who work hard every day to protect and save our lives.

Marjorie Neher, Kent