Readers support Federal Way Legislative candidates | Five letters

Why I trust Tony Moore

As a Democrat, I can say that I trust Tony Moore.

Tony Moore was elected president of the Federal Way School Board. He has recently assisted the school board in selecting a new superintendant of the Federal Way School District, since Tom Murphy has retired from his position. Tony Moore has lived in the community for many years and knows exactly what parents, students and the community need as a trustworthily leader and is regarded as a high respected person with many ethics and morals of the Federal Way community. So, I must say as a community leader we all must trust him to make sound decisions regarding our community. Tony also shares these key points for District 30: Bring back family wage jobs, ensure quality schools, and eliminating wasteful government spending.

Monica Bolden, Federal Way


About Jerry Galland, by Jerry Galland

Another election cycle, another tale of missing signs.

You know you are a threat to the opponent when your sign is singled out from the pack for destruction. Such must be the case for those running against Jerry Galland. But we have a new twist this time: Instead of taking the sign and destroying it, the culprit(s) are using a new tactic. Stakes are being kept in place, Galland’s signs stripped from them and an opponent’s sign added. Sign stakes must be at a premium this year.

Yep, this could turn out to be a real heated race. And it’s only the first week of July.

Jerry Galland, unincorporated King County (Galland is a candidate for District 30 state representative)


Vote for Kalchik

The hard work and determination Anthony Kalchik has displayed in the past bodes well for his bid to represent the 30th District in the race for state representative position 2. Following in Skip Priest’s footsteps, he will continue the work of making education the paramount duty of the state. Mr. Kalchik ran and lost the election for Position 1 in 2006. But he is determined to be a part of the political process.

Mr. Kalchik’s personal story mirrors many of us who are children and grandchildren of immigrants. He recognized the freedom in America that he lacked in the Ukraine and brought his family to Federal Way, built his small business and created jobs. A tragedy motivated him to make a difference securing our children from harm.

I urge you to get to know Mr. Kalchik. Talk to him (206) 304-6555 or e-mail him with your questions at and vote him into office in 2010.

Marie-Anne Harkness, Auburn


I wish to endorse Kalchik

I wish to endorse and extend my recommendation for Anthony Kalchik as the best candidate for District 30 state representative position 2.

I have known Anthony for about 20 years. Even though I don’t currently live in this district, I have had and maintain a strong friendship and business interest with people residing in this district and a continuing strong interest in events or changes that have an impact on its government and/or its citizens. While knowing him, I was selected for the 1996 Boeing William Allen award, nominated as Renton citizen of the year award twice (’98 and ’99) and selected as runner-up for the Seattle Times Jefferson Award for community service and continue a service to community members from over 65 countries even today. Anthony has been an important resource in support of this activity.

Anthony has come to exemplify the community spirit that the 30th District should consider critical to maintain a strong foundation for all who live and work in the community. He has volunteered thousands of hours in service to his community, both in the public and private sector. He has demonstrated tremendous interest, strength and capacity in working in cross-cultural, cross-political and diverse activities providing him with the savvy and the people skills demanded by this position. He is unusually dedicated and committed to those things he endeavors. He would be an asset to any team and works hard to gain the respect of team members as well as maintain a positive reflection on other members. He can quickly identify the thinking of his constituents and elevate those ideas to the political level to get them reviewed and/or considered with any pending legislative action or written into new ones.

It is with this personal knowledge of Anthony that I take great pride in endorsing him for Position 2 of the 30th Legislative District!

Jim Pemberton, Kent


Kalchiks are Slavic heroes

It has been our honor and pleasure to have known Anthony and Maria Kalchik, and their children since they first arrived on America’s shores as Ukrainian immigrants in 1989.

Soon after meeting the Kalchiks, we became friends, although communication was difficult at first. It was Elizabeth’s privilege to become Anthony’s first English teacher. With many hours of study and by listening to audio tapes, Anthony landed his first job.

Of all the many Slavic immigrants we’ve worked with over the years, Anthony has always stood out as a leader. He was the first person we’d worked with to get a job. His was the first family to get off welfare, purchase a home, and to start a business.

As a very humble and compassionate person, helping people has always been Anthony’s greatest motivation. He organized a food and clothing bank ministry, and he is the founder of the Slavic Gospel Church, the largest Slavic church in our area. His commitment to serving people has been a shining example not only in the Slavic community, but also to us native-born Americans.

Anthony’s successful real estate business is one more way in which he can serve people. Whatever he does, he always puts his whole heart into it. Because he had been denied all opportunities while living in the Ukraine, he has incredible motivation to succeed and to help others to succeed.

The character of this man and his family is without question one of the very finest we’ve ever known or worked with in our 21 years of serving the Slavic community. Their honesty, integrity and work ethic are a head and shoulders above most.

Because we know him, we have total confidence that Anthony is a man who will get the job done in Olympia, to honestly represent and serve the people in Washington state’s 30th District. We proudly give our hearty endorsement of and support to Anthony Kalchik. We encourage all voters in his district to get behind his candidacy and to vote for him in the August primary election. Anthony belongs in Olympia next January.

John and Elizabeth Croonquist, founders, Slavic Outreach Ministries, Renton