Reader agrees with councilman’s recusal | Federal Way letters

Whoever urged Tim McClain to write his letter discussing the Federal Way council persons, and others, who are being discussed as candidates for the newly won public office of strong mayor should have armed him with a fact or two.

He would then have had a fact or two in his unfortunate Feb. 20 letter, “Councilman should do his job or resign.” He is referring to city council member Jim Ferrell who has recused himself from any votes involving the new office, and says if Ferrell isn’t going to do his work, he should resign. I call McClain’s letter unfortunate because of its complete and obvious lack of understanding of the topic he’s chosen to write about.

Ferrell is the only openly declared candidate for mayor. McClain notes that Bob Roegner listed in his column all the city, county and state folks, and others, who will most likely run for mayor. That isn’t declaring anything.

Yet for anyone with eyes to see, it sure looks like the stampede of hopefuls are already running their hearts out and, without recusing themselves, voting right and left on the office they hope to hold.

I would think we would want someone like Jim Ferrell who has been straight-arrow and upfront with his intentions from the beginning and, to project complete transparency, recuses himself from any decision making concerning the office he has publicly declared for. It wouldn’t enter his head to take advantage of his council powers to manipulate the office and then declare his intention to run for it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all our city, county and state leaders and others functioned that way?

Jim has my vote.

Norma Blanchard, Federal Way