Regarding A.M. Smith’s March 13 letter to the editor (“Sex in the city’s police blotter”):
The writer seems to be upset about the wrong issue. Is it the word “sex” that annoys him/her? Sex has been around since the beginning of mankind. It isn’t going away.
What may be more important is that there is abusive, assaultive sex being forced upon both women and men in our society. That’s a crime.
The police blotter column does not potenitally violate Smith’s rights or privacy. The police don’t take a phone call, arrest a person on a false accusation and put their name and address in the paper. There must be proof.
The fact is people are being raped and abused every day — perhaps you can help. Volunteer to help victims of sexual or physical abuse at a shelter. Chances are you’ll benefit in many ways. As my mother always told me, “Actions speak louder than words.”
S. Petersen, Federal Way