This letter is in response to one published in the Federal Way Mirror on Jan. 18 by Robert Tetu III, referring to the man dressed like a voodoo doll.
It’s possible that we know of this person. He wears many layers of clothing, and displays many symbols of religion. He visits many churches in the local area.
It’s possible that he is a person who is living with mental illness.
What a wonderful learning opportunity for young Mr. Tetu. His family, and the Cub Scout organization, have an ideal opportunity to teach young Robert the value of tolerance and acceptance.
People who suffer from mental illness are far more likely to be victims than criminals.
He is appreciative when offered meals. He has been accepted into the Reach Out shelter and housed at various churches.
There are many books available that help all people, including young people, learn more about mental illness.
It is my fervent hope that young Mr. Tetu will learn the importance of acceptance, understanding and tolerance. Fear and stigmatization are inappropriate.
People who experience mental illness need the generous support of various government and private programs designed to meet their needs. Many are totally incapable of working to support themselves. If our society was providing adequate support for mentally ill folks, the person in question would be housed and fed.
Sandra Klungness, Auburn