Photo shows improper use of ladder | Federal Way letters

Caught on film.

How many times a day, week, month, year do these guys do this same unsafe practice? Just wait until one of them gets hurt and then claims workman’s compensation or just sues the county.

Mirror reporter Kyra Low sure helped expose the irresponsible behavior of the folks at the King County Aquatics Center. Must have been a very slow news day if you had to run two color photos showing the same unsafe act in the paper.

Page 5 has Randy Stone and Randy Long violating several safety rules for using a ladder. Shown is a step ladder (wrong choice) leaning against a round pole. And one of the men is standing on the top. This is not a step, as stated right on the ladder. No one should be standing higher than the third “step” from the top.

In the photo on page 12 of the Oct. 14 issue, we see Andrew Marcotte, Tyler Ohmie and Issac Wani watching the two Randys continue their unsafe act. How many flags were changed using this procedure?

If my employer had seen me doing this violation of the OSHA act, I would have been either terminated or received unpaid time off.

This will be added to the “stupid unsafe acts presentation” for the next safety meeting.

If the proper ladder was not available, Home Depot and Lowe’s both sell ladders that are tall enough to do this task safely.

Jerry Galland, unincorporated King County