Performing arts center: Someday in Federal Way | Letters

There’s something I’ve noticed about the letters being written regarding the mayoral campaign. Without exception, it would seem, all those who oppose Jim Ferrell for mayor, are those who have fought so voraciously to get a new performing arts center built now in Federal Way. Why don’t they just admit it? Instead of choosing other mundane reasons to complain about him (e.g. campaign signs and the like), why don’t they just admit that they don’t want Ferrell for mayor because he opposes building a performing arts center at this time. All that matters to them is getting a PAC right now.

Notice I said, “at this time.” errell does not oppose building a performing arts center some day when the time is right. None of us who support Ferrell oppose having a PAC. What we do oppose is the expense ($50 million) “at this time” in Federal Way’s history when people don’t have jobs, health insurance, retirement funds depleted by greedy financiers, some are potentially losing their homes, etc. Has it occurred to you folks who want the PAC right now, that most of us cannot afford the extra expense? Has it occurred to you that the majority of Federal Way’s citizens are under a hardship right now? Well if it hasn’t, perhaps you’d better think about it. You need to realize that we supporters do want a performing arts center down the road. Who wouldn’t? In due time. It’s not prudent to build it now, it’s not due time. Period!

Sheryl Nevers, Federal Way