There are matters of taxation that should also be placed on ballots to allow voters to flex their muscles to raise their own taxes or not.
During the first quarter of 2019 (compared to first quarter of 2018) total theater attendance had increased 52%.
Now that we have put Federal Way on the map, we hope that you will join us in the years to come.
I am a Democrat and I like Hiroshi Eto. But I have to make very clear where I stand on the issue of racialism.
Linda has wisdom and experiential intelligence in all aspects of municipal government.
We have community members offering to keep our city moving forward. However, it takes a community willing to vote for…
I am a 78-year-old woman who, on April 25, went out to dinner with 18 of my friends. After dinner…
This was a misunderstanding by Democratic staffers about using meeting spaces in public buildings by advocacy groups.
I recently received a solicitation in the mail from the Federal Way Police Officers’ Guild that looks like a charitable solicitation.
I wonder what folks thought about the new venues.
These are major decisions that will affect our community and region for years to come.
The following letter was also shared with the Federal Way City Council:
Every day we see articles and news features about the causes and effect of climate disruption. There are several ways…
This is not the same basic sex education of yesteryear that most parents grew up with.
Why is this story being spun and sugar coated in the media? Call it exactly what it is. A criminal…
How can the city and the HOA allow these actions to be carried out without input from the citizens or members of an HOA?
Speak up before we begin to look like Seattle does with homeless tents on city streets, trash and needles all over.
Whether we like it or not, society ultimately bears the cost of homelessness
When it comes to transparency, the city has legally complied with all records requests and the providing of information to the Mirror.
His real name is Roger Flygare.