State Rep. Linda Kochmar actively participates in and cares about OUR community because it’s HER community, too!
She is responsible for many things we take for granted here: She took the lead in building our beautiful-yet-functional City Hall AND made sure it was paid for! We can thank Linda for our amazing Community Center, which is used by over 1,000 people each day (including the special needs education programs from our schools). Linda was persistent and creative in securing the thousands of dollars needed to build and replace the storm-destroyed Redondo Boardwalk, which is now completed! And the list goes on!
Linda appreciates our hard-working citizens and has compassion for those who struggle. Chances are you’ll see her at every single community event in town, and when you do, please take the time to thank her for her tireless efforts on our behalf! Let’s not let a stranger-politician come into our community, set up an apartment address, and pretend to live here while trying to take away our valued representation in Olympia just so he can build his resume!
Share the truth with your friends and neighbors. We need Linda’s continued efforts on our behalf! Thank you Linda; we appreciate you! Let’s thank her by re-electing Linda Kochmar in November!
Debbie Sabin, Federal Way