To the Federal Way City Council,
I couldn’t agree more with Federal Way City Council member Jim Ferrell when he wrote Dec. 6 about the proposed Performing Arts Center (PAC).
I want to go further and say I don’t think the city or any other public money should be spent on a PAC with one small exception I’ll talk about below. I was a longtime season ticket holder to the Tacoma Actors Guild (TAG). Every year we were asked to participate in fundraisers because the plays did not generate enough money to support TAG. Recently they folded for lack of money. You constantly hear about symphonies having to hold fundraisers because those who attend concerts don’t cover the costs.
If enough of the public supported things that would be held at a PAC, a private business would build a place because it would make the owner a profit. I don’t think tax money should be used because that says that everyone, whether or not they support an event held at a PAC or want to attend an event, would still have to contribute to build and maintain it. That is not right.
I have heard people say that we may get state or federal grants to help cover the cost to build a PAC. That is still tax money and should not be used. Just because it’s not tax money from the City of Federal Way does not matter. It’s still public money being spent for the benefit of the few who like events held at a PAC.
If there are school events that need a PAC, then the school district can contribute a small portion of the cost to build and maintain the PAC. But the rest of the costs should be paid by the users or voluntary contributors.
Don Dennis
Federal Way