Mentor recommends Fairbanks for position 4 | Election letters

This letter is in reference to the outstanding professional qualifications of John Fairbanks, who is running for Federal Way City Council Position 4.

This letter is in reference to the outstanding professional qualifications of John Fairbanks, who is running for Federal Way City Council Position 4.

Even thought I do not reside in his voting district, I felt it important as a longtime friend both personally and professionally to share some key factors as to why John is qualified to be a positive, contributing member of the Federal Way community.

John comes from very humble and at times difficult beginnings here in the Wenatchee Valley. I first got to know him as a very young boy who hung out in the YMCA game room each day after school where I was the Youth Director. John was very rough around the edges. Yet he would go on to play high school tennis for me at Eastmont High School, graduate and then move to Western Washington.

Over the years, he has accomplished a great deal in terms of having his own successful business and family. John is all about strong character, healthy personal relationships and following through on his word.

It is with a great deal of pride and respect that I give my highest endorsement for John Fairbanks to be your next city council member for position 4.

Terry Valdez, Wenatchee