Mayor got a little salty – and other local absurdities | Letters

What’s all the kerfuffle over Mayor Skip “the Hip” Priest? He got a little salty — so what?

What’s all the kerfuffle over Mayor Skip “the Hip” Priest? He got a little salty — so what?

Myself, I would rather vote for a foul-mouthed lout. I find it comforting to know that some politicians are normal people who drop the occasional F-bombs in the workplace and hate most of their co-workers — that means they are just like most of the voters.

Just think of how much more lively debates would be if they were not censored by decorum.

Let us drop the pretense that any of us like each other. Politics is war and the political is personal, ergo we are all at war with each other. The sooner we all admit it, the better we will all feel.

Speaking of which, what is with all these nitwits protesting on the corners of Pacific Highway and 320th? If I wanted to see a load of fringe kooks every time I left the house, I would not have moved to the suburbs.

Take that nonsense back to the UW or Olympia where it belongs. At least the LaRouchies have long since vacated the post office on Campus Drive. They were like a zombie infestation, their soulless eyes hollow, a dull creaking echo escaping their dead lungs sounding a lot like “Bilderberg, Bilderberg.”

Jenny Craig closing in Federal Way should not be a surprise. After all, President Obama recently gave a speech in which he claimed the “war on obesity” was “over,” mostly because obesity had won…wait, that might have been “the war on terrorism.” I get these wars mixed up because we have all lost a great deal of our liberties to both wars. Don’t believe it?  Just try to get a Big Gulp past your friendly TSA gropers next time you fly out of JFK.

Speaking of lard, how come there are no doughnut shops in Federal Way? Is it because we got rid of too many cops in lieu of red light cameras?

Kudos to the King County Library for their Sikh Military History exhibit. Now if only they could lure some of the “library users” away from the PCs to take a look at it. Come on, people, Candy Crush and Ashley Madison will still be there when you are done learning something.

Jason Oleston, Federal Way