Love the animals – or don’t get them in the first place | Federal Way letters

I wish that folks in Federal Way would remember that they made the decision to get a cat or dog, and these animals are completely dependent upon “their person.”

I wish that folks in Federal Way would remember that they made the decision to get a cat or dog, and these animals are completely dependent upon “their person.” I’m reading too many stories about people “surrendering” their animals to animal control lately, and my heart aches for these poor suffering pets. By the time the government steps in, months or perhaps years of suffering and neglect have taken place. Please care for your animals or don’t get one in the first place! Their needs are so minimal — food, water and warmth. They give back so much in return. To banish your pet to the backyard with absolutely nothing to sustain it is criminal and inhumane. Please care for them, or find someone who will.

Susan Petersen, Federal Way