I believe Ms. Rae Iwamoto is a very brave person (“Administrator defends judge and Federal Way court,” letter to the editor, Dec. 17).
She has the courage to speak up in an environment which does not seems to be very appealing for the last several years in the Federal Way court and surroundings such as the court and City Hall.
I agree with her that some people should speak up for Judge Michael Morgan. On a professional and personal level, I find him to be a good person and a good judge so far.
Many of my clients/defendants speak highly about him (courteous/efficient/seeking accountability from defendants) and how they are treated in the court system.
This has not been the case for previous judges in the Federal way municipal and district courts. This city has not been served well by several judges including Judith Eiler and Colleen Hartl lately.
I may add another judge did not serve me right at all by affecting my business for two years due to a clear abuse of power, as I strongly believe.
I followed closely the situation with Judge Morgan and the city these last months. What really worries me is that the public does not know the entire story because of the “confidentiality agreement involving a former court employee.” This may hold the key to this entire scenario with the city. The former employee in question did not get my respect during the years s/he was in court either; much could be said about that, also.
I believe the entire scandal with Judge Hartl is now falling on Judge Morgan who definitely did not ask to be drained in such a situation. Clearly, it is Judge Hartl who stirred the pot and everybody fell in it, leaving many trying to re-surface with broken emotions, broken words…and attack to their professional careers.
Ms. Iwamoto concludes we can be proud of this court lately; I agree with her. Judge Morgan has been one of the best judges on the bench lately and I have great hopes that Judge David Larson will do the same. So far, I have but the best things to say about his cooperation with professionals in Federal Way.
Ginou Tapp,
Federal Way
Note: Ginou Tapp is marriage and family therapist with Harmony Counseling in Federal Way.