Many of us are not happy with what is happening to our country. We fear the massive move toward socialism being brought on by our federal government.
What can we do about it? Well, not much for the next two years concerning the presidency. But there is something we can do. Do not re-elect the people who helped bring on this situation.
Do not vote for Patty Murray or for Adam Smith.
Patty Murray has voted for every social issue that has increased government control over our lives. She voted for the health care bill. She has never seen a tax she does not like.
Adam Smith likes to call himself a “moderate.” That is far from the truth. He should not even call himself a Democrat. He is a liberal. He voted for the health care bill even though he knew that most of his constituents did not want it. When “cap and trade” was before the House, I wrote to him asking him not to vote for it. I said it was a job killer. It would increase the cost of energy for everyone and it would be used as a huge payoff to special interests. After the bill passed in the House, I had a letter from him telling me how happy he was to have been able to vote for this bill. Either he did not read my letter or else he must think I am completely stupid.
Beginning next year, we will begin seeing the largest tax increases in the history of this country. It will be well to remember who were the politicians who made this happen.
Sen. Murray and Rep. Smith have been in office a long time. It is time now to give them term limits.
Leo J. Thoennes, Federal Way