Iceland volcano and an ice-covered Federal Way | Letters

This week, a mountain erupted in Iceland. Emissions from this volcano have closed airports in Europe and disrupted travel around the world. The Earth just seems to do these things and there is nothing much that you or I can do about it. We have had volcanos. We have had earthquakes. We have had tornadoes. We have had hurricanes. And we have had global warming.

All these events just happen. That is, except for the last one. Mankind is being blamed for the global warming by causing air pollution. I don’t think so. That mountain in Iceland has done more polluting in one day than mankind has done ever since the combustion engine was invented.

The Earth has always gone through warming and cooling periods. In fact, at one time, ice from the North Pole covered much of the United States. Yes, it even covered Federal Way. Now for the last 14,000 years, the Earth is going through a warming period. There is nothing you or I can do about this fact. Reducing CO2 emissions from our automobiles is certainly not going to stop global warming.

Leo J. Thoennes, Federal Way