Hiker’s advice to voters | Federal Way letters

As an avid Sunday hiker, I was disappointed to see that the Dash Point State Park was recently posted as being completely closed for nine months, to re-open in May 2011 due to sewer repairs. “Violators will recieve citations.”

I e-mailed State Sen. Tracey Eide and State Rep. Skip Priest to see if there was any way to at least open the hiking trails around the construction schedule. Within one day, I received a response from both, and within five days I received an e-mail from the area manager of Washington State Parks informing me that the south side trails and beach access trails will now be open, and other areas opened with updated signage as they become safely available. What was originally a state decision to simply “close the park” is now being managed in a fashion that local church groups, scout troops, mountain biking teams and Decatur High School cross country team (local residents) can co-exist with scheduled construction improvements.

This is a great example of how local representation can impact where the rubber meets the road here in Federal Way. A state decision “managed better” through the efforts of Tracey Eide and Skip Priest. Remember this when you go to vote.

Frank J. Witmer III, Federal Way