We would like to thank the good Samaritans of Federal Way on two different occasions this late summer and early fall.
My husband collapsed with heat exhaustion during a blackberry picking outing on one of our hotter late summer days. A person biking on the BPA Trail saw our situation and offered my husband water.
Then on Oct. 5, I fell while walking with my husband on Dash Point Road. The edge of the road caused me to trip and fall to my knees. A driver, seeing my fall, stopped his vehicle and ran back to check up on me. My skinned knees caused pain, and light-headedness was overcoming me. Israel, his lovely wife, and four or five very young children provided me something to drink and drove us toward our home.
Israel is stationed at McChord Air Force Base and newly returned to our area with his family from Texas. They were on their way to enjoy Dash Point State Park.
We wanted to share what these kind people have done for us. There are good human beings out there.
Gloria Hummel, Federal Way