God and the government | Federal Way letters

When our government passes laws we really don’t like and don’t agree with, we still have to obey them. After all, it’s the law.

OK then. That’s the way it is. But I for one don’t think the government should be able to have their cake and eat it too.

Our Congresspersons (see, I am politically correct when possible) and our Supreme Court have, in their infinite wisdom, decided to separate God from anything governmental. We shouldn’t include the phrase “under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance. We can’t pray to God, trust in God, or post his commandments in government buildings.

OK Congress. OK judges. From this day forward, I want to see you in session, working like troopers on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Easter as well as each and every Sunday. Mail should be delivered on those days as well. After all, those are God-tainted days, and should have nothing to do with the government or its employees.

They want nothing to do with God in government. That should apply to God — perks as well. Shouldn’t it?

Marjorie Seavers, Federal Way