An open letter to local lawmakers in Olympia:
Your power is weighty, and your wisdom must be also.
The reality of mandating comprehensive sexuality education (training?) in every schoolroom in Washington State is completely wrong.
I would expect that each of you as lawmakers would feel the responsibility to “First, do no harm.”
The unintended consequences of voting for Senate Bill 5395 (comprehensive sexuality education) will be devastating to innocent children. (Have you even watched “The War on Children?”)
We who are against comprehensive sexuality education have done our homework, and we network with parents all across the country. We know what’s coming.
We parents and taxpayers pay for the schools, pay our great teachers and we pay your salaries too.
We do not want to pay for our schools to confuse and harm our kids.
A student who has special emotional needs should receive professional care.
No bullying policy in our schools must be enforced. Teaching children how to be kind and accepting of differences is absolutely necessary.
But the idea that student’s lives, and their future, will be better if we dump adult topics on them — is nonsense.
I’d like to suggest that we stop treating children as though they are adults; and stop treating adults as though they are children.
Please, go back to the drawing board on this and come to a compromise, and better solution.
Please respect parents, even those parents you don’t agree with. This is a mind-blowing, life-changing topic — not a lunch menu change.
By the way, I think Planned Parenthood is both a corporate donor, and a lobbyist.
Maureen Bernardy
Federal Way