To the single occupant of a Volkswagen, with a license plate ending in “WTS”: please don’t speed in the carpool lane on Highway 99 in the fog without your headlights on while texting.
I generally see one of these things several times a day in Federal Way, along with several red light runners.
Running red lights, speeding in residential/arterials where red lights are sure to stop you anyway, texting, and driving without your lights in the fog is dangerous to others. Let’s face it, it is lazy not to follow the rules and laws of the road. Please be considerate. I don’t really care if you wreck, but other drivers don’t need the hassle of a wreck.
Using the Volkswagen driver as an example, once they sped by me, they were then stuck in slow traffic. If you don’t consider others, think of the extra gas and brakes you are using to accomplish the same thing you could by following simple rules.
Following the rules of the road and our laws is easy and saves everyone time, money and hassle.
Scott Webb, Federal Way