Finally, let’s elect a mayor | Federal Way letters

In the May 12 Mirror, columnist Bob Roegner, with great gaiety, covered another pending trick to be pulled on the voters of Federal Way by a council person. (so what’s new)

Linda Kochmar is running for the new strong mayor position and has had her signs made asking that you “retain her as mayor.” She is currently the ceremonial mayor on the council, a powerless, ribbon cutting, busy work title passed endlessly between the few who control the council power. This title has no similarity to the strong mayor position which has never been filled, and to imply such is a just deception, plain and simple.

Then, in the May 15 Mirror, we have the proof of what this type of deception can do clearly described by Larry Patterson in his letter, “Creativity and competition in the city’s mayoral race.” He tells us about 40 percent of Federal Way voters do their research and cast knowledgeable votes. The remaining 60 percent, he says, will likely be swayed by the most eye catching signs, then, unbelievably, says “it’s brilliant” and suggests she runs with it! I hope that was “tongue in cheek.”

During the coming primary and regular elections, we will be electing a new chief of staff to lead our city out of her economical and visionary doldrums and, obvious to anyone who cares, this will require the sincerest efforts by us all if this city is ever going to turn around and prosper.

Padding your resume by implying you’re already holding the office no one has ever held is deceptive and not true. And, anyone holding a position acquired through resume padding, if discovered, would, and should be fired on the spot!

This group has conducted their business in this fashion for so long, they and their supporters think nothing of doing business as usual, sticking it to the voters yet again. They learned nothing from the last election in which they were defeated. They are, yet again, showing exactly what they think of our vote, which was in fact, an effort to end such disdain for the voter’s wishes.

There is nothing funny about deception.

There is nothing brilliant in being a deceiver.

Haven’t we had about enough of that? Isn’t it about time to elect a quality public servant to represent our views instead?

We have one available in candidate Jim Ferrell. Please join us in electing him as our own, first “elected mayor” since we became a city 20 years ago.

Tara A. Talley, Federal Way