Federal Way politics as I see it | Letter to the editor

With the November election closing in on us in just another few days and with the various opinion letters shooting back and forth between parties on different subjects, I feel it is my turn to have some input on a variety of issues.

I might make mention that before moving to Federal Way several years ago, I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was heavily involved with the political scene by holding various commissioner positions with both city and county governments in the fields of transportation and social services. I also ran for city council twice.

In Federal Way, I have been president of the Grouse Pointe Meadows Homeowners Association for some six years, in the Twin Lakes area.

Recently we have seen an influx of home invasions and robberies, most happening during broad daylight. It is a scary thought. A lot of these robberies could be curtailed by the residents being more vigilant and observant. The casual young person coming to your door at all hours, including late evening, on the premise of selling magazines, is poor bunk. These people are casing your place to see if anyone is at home.

For quite a long time there have been various incidents at our city’s transit centers and park-and-ride lots. Cars at the Twin Lakes Park and Ride on 21st Avenue continually get broken into. Shootings and other crimes have been going on more and more at the Federal Way Transit Center. Where were the police when you needed them? Probably in the same spot that you and I see them at every day: Sitting in a hiding spot in a car or upon a motorcycle, looking to nab you and me to make more revenue for this town.

Why is there always a large group of young people hanging around the Federal Way Transit Center at all hours of the day? What’s their “game plan,” huh?

If they are waiting for a bus, then get on it and get out of town. If still standing there after twenty minutes, leave immediately and go home.

As a King County Metro bus driver, I have seen the folks that cause the majority of problems for law-abiding citizens.

There are currently seven council members in Federal Way. Several of whom have learned to turn that position into a full-time job and which they hope to keep for the ensuing years. We all know who they are. At least two of them are running for re-election. We need to tell them no. It is time for some fresh people with fresh ideas on how this town should grow and prosper. One of those running, Jeanne Burbidge, is quoted in her King County campaign statement that “Federal Way has one of the lowest crime problems” in the greater Puget Sound area. Read it folks. What kind of sauce has Jeanne been sipping? Huh? Also, Jeanne’s husband, Jim Burbidge, is helping to lead the fight to block this town from having an elected mayor. That is a conflict of interest. Jim, you need to go home now and mind your own business. The “Good Buddy Society” (TGBS), you know who they are, want to stay in power and not let 90,000 citizens say who they want for mayor.

They talk about education, professional qualifications, training and many other factors that a candidate must have to be our city leader. How many of these assets do the seven council members have? It would possibly be interesting to have a background check done on each of these seven. Who knows what we might find.

One final subject. The race for judge of the Federal Way Municipal Court. First off, I am glad the city council did not decide to contract with the county for district judges or else we would have been saddled by the notorius Judith Eiler again, who happens to live in Federal Way, and that would be a travesty.

Now then, Judge Michael Morgan is definitely no judge of mine and as a taxpayer I am not going to pay a dime to have that joker sit on a judicial bench anywhere. We have all read about his diverse violaions in his courtroom, how he is rude, how he talks down to people, how he tries to hide incriminating documents about himself and then wastes thousands of dollars in taxpayers’ money to defend him. Every day I look in the paper, I seem to read some negative item about Judge Morgan. Michael, it is time you bowed out and let another judge fill your shoes.

My fellow citizens, as President Obama told us, it is time for change and a new leadership all the way around in Federal Way. Be sure you vote carefully this coming November. Thank you.

Ken Shattock, Twin Lakes, Federal Way