A few weeks back, the Federal Way Mirror broke the news that former Los Angeles Lakers player Magic Johnson had made a large financial commitment to The Commons and The Everett Mall to infuse new development and fill empty storefronts.
I recently spent three hours at The Commons with my granddaughter where she saw the Easter Bunny and used up some of her 3-year-old energy up at the new bouncy house near Sears. The visit left me thinking if Magic could bring some of the magic of years gone by.
So here is how Magic can bring back the magic to the mall: rename it back to The Sea-Tac Mall. The mall suffers from an identity crisis. Just go to Renton, and for the fun of it, tell someone you are looking for The Commons. My bet is they will look at you with lost eyes. Then say it was the old Sea-Tac Mall, and they will likely tell you that you’re really lost.
I think the name change a few years back was not the best marketing idea. So if Magic would like to perform magic here in Federal Way he should:
1. Change the name back to Sea-Tac Mall.
2. Have a grand re-opening and open those doors like it was the summer of 1975 — the summer I was one of the first 20 people to walk inside a facility that was years ahead of its time.
Sea-Tac Mall is more relevant.
Randall Smith, Federal Way