Over the weekend (Aug. 27-28), I had my first visit to the Federal Way Senior Center Community Garden. What a delight!
With my greatest appreciation, I extend my thanks to Mike Stanley and his crew for the many, many hours of voluntary services rendered on this fantastic show place. Not only is it beautiful, but it helps to feed many elderly and needy people in our community.
Also in need of thanks are all the businesses and anyone else who has donated to this worthwhile project.
Again, thank you one and all. If you have not visited this masterpiece, put it on your to-do list, as it is worth the time and effort.
Leona Colbeth, Federal Way
Editor’s note: The Federal Way Senior Center Community Garden is located at 4016 S. 352nd St., Auburn. Contact master gardener Mike Stanley to learn more about the garden, to volunteer or to donate. Stanley can be reached by email at michael_stanley@usa.net.