Disgusted by all levels of government | Federal Way letters

Am I the only voter disgusted with the arrogance and self-serving behavior of politicians at all levels of government?

Am I the only voter disgusted with the arrogance and self-serving behavior of politicians at all levels of government?

On the federal level, the Congress recently passed and the president signed a health care bill that a clear majority of people did not like or want. It was such a good bill in their eyes that the Congress exempted themselves and key staffers from the mandatory coverage and punitive consequences of it. With spending wildly out of control, the Congress in its wisdom decided to withhold cost of living raises in 2009 and 2010 for Social Security and disabled veteran recipients. They forgot, however, they voted themselves an automatic cost of living adjustment (COLA) each year unless it is stopped by an affirmative action. They are so busy spending the country into bankruptcy they just didn’t get around to blocking the COLA for themselves last year and this year. Poor babies!

On the state level, we have a Legislature and governor with a superiority complex. They blatantly disregarded the will of voters who passed a tax-limiting initiative several years ago and went on a crazed tax-raising binge with very limited spending cuts. Whatever happened to the constitutional concept of “govern with consent of the people?” They seem to view themselves as an elite class who need not answer to anybody. After all, they know what is best for us (and themselves).

The political swagger is not lost on the city of Federal Way, either. Last year, a contentious ballot measure changing our form of city government was advanced with a city council champion. Outside money, a political virtuoso and the certainty of the cause by the political champion succeeded in swaying barely a majority of the small, off-year turnout of voters to pass the strong mayor measure. Little concern seemed to be given to the fact the city will have to spend almost a quarter of a million dollars a year in this economic calamity to satisfy the political ambitions of a champion who will “cut taxes, control spending and enhance public safety.”

Where have you been for the past four years, Jim Ferrell? The city council (you included) voted to pass Ordinance No. 06-532 referring to the voters Proposition 1. It asked the voters to pass a utility tax increase of 1.75 percent in order to hire 18 additional police officers as well as other support staff for the city court. The proposition was passed, the taxes were increased and are still being collected. However, according to police sources, the officers were never hired above the 2006 force level. All the police hiring for the past four years has been replacing departing officers with no net gain called for by proposition 1. The money was and is being collected by the city. Where are the community safety enhancements called for, Jim? You haven’t spoken out about this as a council member. Will you if you are elected mayor?

I opened this letter with a satirical question. I believe a defining answer is going to be heard at all levels of government this fall when “we the people” put some sanity back into the system with a ballot statement to all the political arrogance and self-serving behavior.

Bill Linehan, Federal Way