Disappointed by the empty seats at debate | Letters

For all practical purposes, Federal Way is my city, but I live in unincorporated Kent and cannot vote in Federal Way.

For all practical purposes, Federal Way is my city, but I live in unincorporated Kent and cannot vote in Federal Way.

However, I am particularly interested in both of the House positions in Federal Way and am supporting two of the candidates.

Even though I can’t vote in Federal Way, for the first time I attended the debates at the Little Theater at Federal Way High School, and frankly I was disappointed. As little as that theater is, at least a third of the seats were empty, and most of the people present were middle aged (like me) or older.

Those empty seats should have been filled to capacity. Especially missing were young adults. If one does not get involved, one cannot complain. More important, how can uninformed voters make wise decisions?

Also, I thought Roger Flygare had a bad attitude when asked about his military service. He was presented a wonderful opportunity to apologize for his lies and exaggerations. He should expect to apologize often and sincerely. He came across as very arrogant.

Linda Kochmar had a golden opportunity to lambast him on that topic, but she didn’t. Instead she thanked him for his military service. What a lady! I also thought her definition of integrity was spot on. Integrity is a decision of the heart.

I will now step off my soap box.

Debbie Willis, Kent